Canadian Black Swan...stay tuned!

Another night where I just dont know what to write. My mood isn't sassy. I love when I get my sass on and write a witty piece without having to be a Debbie Downer. Dont want to write about my depression here tonight.

I have been thinking about what to write. Should I write about the Olympic Ice Dancing tonight and how I know that they Canadian's want to KILL the Americans? Should I write about my moonlit walk with my dog where the moon looked like...No, I think I have to go back to the Canadian Ice Dancer who looks like she is going to tear the black swan outfit off the Russian woman, put it on and start going into a new rendition of the other Russian's "Madness" routine!!!!!! Holy Crap can you picture it. Canadian Black Swan kills U.S. Jasmine and Romeo.

I feel like I am watching a Lifetime Special in the making. You mark my words Dateline is going to be featuring this story. Stay tuned!!!!!!


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